AGU Prep. English Effort vs Reward
Is it easy to learn English ready for English Medium Instruction?
Is it worth the time and the energy required?
AGU Prep. is challenging, but in return for your work, learning English will give you a lot back. When you study English as hard as you can, these are the rewards that you can expect:
1. Study hard and save time!
All Faculty academic programs are in English, so there is no avoiding studying it. The good news is that as soon as you get your English level up, and finish the Prep. requirements, you can go to Faculty the next semester – why stay in Prep for 12 months, or 18 months, if you can finish in 6 months?
2. Get really ready for Faculty.
You need a strong level of English to be able to cope with the academic demands of the Faculty academic programs. You will need to read, research, write, complete projects, deliver presentations all in English.
3. Get to know more people…
You will need to speak to other students in English, both to collaborate on academic projects, and to be sociable. Not all AGU students speak Turkish. Furthermore, you should aim to win a place on an Erasmus exchange program. Before you a large number of AGU students have spent up to 4 months on various international programs, in all of which they studied, and socialised, with young people who do not speak Turkish.
4. Enjoy popular culture more…
English will help you access rich sources of international popular culture: films; TV series; music; computer games, and more.
5. Improve your professional career!
English will be important for your whole professional life! You may work in Turkey or you may work abroad, or both. Either way, knowing English is a huge advantage. Wherever you work, you will find yourself needing to: a. read English to keep up with your field; b. read and write English emails; c. taking part in international meetings: face to face and at a distance; d. talking on the phone to people who do not speak Turkish. When you are in the interview for a job you really want, make sure that you ready for the killer question: “How is your English?”